Sunday, August 7, 2022

Don't Store Your Piano in the Garage

Storing your piano in the garage can ruin your piano in many ways. Humidity can cause the piano keys to swell up and become sluggish or even frozen. The hammer action could get covered in mold and mildew causing your the action to need a complete refurbishment. Also, field mice can get inside the piano, chew the hammers and felt dampers to build a nest, usually under the keys. Mice will create havoc inside the piano in many ways. Humidity, moisture, rodent damage. extreme temperature fluctuation and dust are the top five problems caused by storing your piano in the garage. Also, the sound board could warp or crack. The pin block could delaminate causing tuning pins to be loose or even frozen. The finish could discolor, fade and never be the same. Don't do it! Find a place inside your home to store your piano if you are not using it or renovating your home.

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